Monday, April 22, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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 Our editorial staff rarely reviews metal. Maybe because we had not found the right fit for us. The title “Monster” by Heathensun, completely changed our minds.

Hailing from The United States of America, HEATHENSUN is an up-and-coming Numetal band with a penchant for writing banging tunes and dynamic narratives. Comprising of 3 immensely talented individuals, the 3 piece band is made up of Drunkndonuts on Guitar, Lo-Key on Drums as well as Johnny Anthrax fronting the band. The members of HEATHENSUN are based out of different cities with Johnny, Charlotte NC, Drunkndonuts in Wilmington NC, and Lo-Key in Greenville SC.

With powerful energy between metal and hardcore, the group electrified us. From the vocal performances to the flawless production, the band offers a real and epic musical experience rocked by infectious energy and addictive guitars.

In fact, this song does a nice job of keeping things dynamic by constantly changing/evolving throughout. The vocals still manage to be kind of catchy despite allowing the instrumentals to take such a prominent position in the mix. Monster is just an overheated song, that’s well-produced and hits all the marks.

The rappers’ voices are expressive and through their various sounds function as their own kind of additional instrument. “Monster”

 Stream it now:


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