Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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Otto Releases 80’s-inspired, Nostalgic Pop Debut EP “Still Picture You”

Earnestness is a quality we often lose touch with as we grow up. For Otto, earnestness is a
defining characteristic. With the release of their debut EP “Still Picture You,” Otto aims to
capture the candid thoughts and feelings of someone falling in and then out of love – a young
soul navigating the changes that accompany that journey. With energetic, 80’s inspired
instrumentals and candid lyricism, Otto captures the nostalgic essence of the John Hughes era
with a modern, alternative twist.

“Still Picture You” was written virtually, growing up over the airwaves in online songwriting
sessions in the winter of 2020. The first time the band members were all in the same room at
the same time wasn’t until March the next year, to record their project in Nashville, TN. The
resulting collection of songs follows the creative evolution of the band’s personality and
individual influences over the year they spent getting to know each other virtually, and brings
together groovy, rhythmic guitar riffs, anthemic arpeggiation, and a Tears-For-Fears-esque
nostalgia for an electronic synth.


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