Our latest discovery is from far the most promising of the whole week: “Date Night”, by Secluded has indeed everything to be a hit and become global.
The way SECLUDED creates music is just what we expect from artists. Limitless creativity and imagination, incomparable work, and genre-blending sounds: his new track “Date Night” is an addiction and a unique trip.
It is so unique that you never get bored. Secluded makes you travel through unexpected musical worlds and feelings.
The song made us escape from our daily routine, the song blends electro music with touches of pop as well as a beautiful dose of experimentation.
Here is how Secluded would describe “Date Night”:
“Date night date night feel so hollow praying, for the day when I never see tomorrow.” – Secluded
We will dig Secluded’s music, that’s for sure. Make sure to do the same: