Be ready to discover our selection for the best single of the month: the surprising “Gasoline” by the genius group Mac & A.K.
In an era where Hip-hop and music, in general, create clones, we were totally thrilled to discover this track. Mac & A.K. are the kinds of artists who are able to send you in the future while remaining authentic and real to music.
Blending elements of melodic, synthwave, and hip hop, the song has a sophisticated feel. The vocals often oscillate between dreamlike serenades and casual rapping. There’s a lot of variety, with some of it featuring laser-like synths and aerobic workout tape pacing, which makes the atmosphere chill.
It’s enjoyable to listen from start to finish, and one that truly stands out from other artists that have emerged within hip-hop in the past few years thanks to its originality and a real sense of the music.
“Gasoline” literally made our day and we suggest you listen to it. Pure Hip-Hop dope. Congratulation guys, Mac&A.K. showed to the world that real music is still on the agenda.
Connect with Mac & A.K. on Instagram and Press Play now: